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Thursday, 27 December 2012

The beginning of HERBALIFE experience


For the first in my life, I am having a blog. Why? Banyak sebab.. yang paling utama adalah malas dan yang kedua adalah sebab I don't like to be judged by what I mentioned or wrote.

Nevertheless, time flies so fast. From a little girl, to a married lady.. and now with two kids, Alhamdulillah. There are things that I wished I had written somewhere. But now that I have one, I want to make it  a memorable one not just for me but also for others. Macam mana tu? Ada org lain kisah ke my story? Well it doesn't matter if it does or not, but I hope it will give some useful information to whoever visited my blog.

 Let me start with my story of trying to get a good nutrition for my second child, Alma Zahra who just turned 2 a month ago. For those who know Alma, mmg almaklum dia tak se'kuat' Aqil Hamzah, abgnya. Pernah kena bronchitis when she was 7 months. Oh but sebelum tu.. masa umur 7 hari dia kene demam panas. Masa tu nama pun tak confirm lagi, so kelam kabut confirmkan nama sebab nak register kene ada some kind of 'name'. So nama Alma Zahra diberi :)

Time went by, sampaila 1 hari ni terdetik hati nak teman adik yang berhajat nak kurus (mcm kakak dia ni.. haha) gi tesco (ke giant eh?) kat Ipoh untuk beli Herbalife. Pas 'coach' dia cerita sikit2.. and of course I tak berminat sebab mmg tgh kurus masa tu. Mana taknya, tgh at the peak of breastfeeding Alma, walaupun dah lebih kurang setahun umur dia. Tapi hati sgt terdetik nak beli when she mentioned that it's a good nutrition for breasfeeding mom. Walaupun tak ready mindset and duit nak beli, belasah je la 1 Formula sebab nak ALMA SIHAT! Kesian kat Alma.. plus penat gak masa tu asyik EL je bila Alma demam panas :(

Ape jadik lepas tu?!

Of course la TAK KURUS. Tapi alhamdulillah Alma's health was better then. Tapi bila time culas nak makan or nak continue mkn sbb malas nak reorder, sakit2 pun dtg balik. So I was on & off with F1.. sampaila badan dah berisi balik (tapi bukan gemuk.. still tak ngaku! haha). Inspired by my sis' result, I decided to tak it seriously. Ok, takdela inspired sgt lagi, sebab she's still chubbier than me. But she has really improved her skin and shape!

Ape jadik lepas tu?!

Haa.. ni baru KURUS sikit. I lost 2 kgs after 3 weeks of serious consumption of 123 Herbalife!! (pekebenda tu? next entry kita cerita pasal produk ok?). I knew it would work.. I just have to invest some money for a better nutrition, quality breakfast.. have faith in it.. and paling PENTING, disiplin! Rasa sgt berbaloi, sebab I love my family so much. Therefore, I have to take care of my health to be able to to give the best for them.


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